About this Blog

This Blog is a collection of excerpts from talks given by Sri Swami Vishwananda. Please note that this Blog does not focus on dates, background and the exact original way of how Swamiji delivered the speech. We edit the talks slightly, presenting them in a kind of “poetic” format. This means we choose certain paragraphs from a talk which reflect a particular theme.
Read them as pieces of Divine Wisdom, meditate upon the words and just feel how Swamiji is addressing you with His words.

Monday 8 September 2014

Swami Vishwananda answers: 'Does everyone have a Guru?'

Q: Does everybody have a Guru, even without knowing it?

Sri Swami Vishwananda answers: Yes, everyone has a Guru.

- There are billions of people in the world and few masters…

- Krishna Himself said it, "Out of millions only few will attain Me", and the few who attain Him choose to come back and serve the others.

- So each Guru has a lot of disciples to take care of?

- A few disciples. Only the one which is ready, they will be guided to a certain Guru. You see, when you’re ready to go to school, you’ll go to kindergarten first. Do you stay always in kindergarten? No. You go to primary school,...university, etc. Each level that you go, you have a certain Guru. But not everybody reach university degree, it’s like that. Only when one is ready, the divine provides. Know one thing, the Guru is not only here, it’s in any religion, they send always the teacher, the master to guide them.

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