Sri Swami Vishwananda tells you today:
We often ask ourselves how it is to unite with God, how is this unification and what does one feel in this unification with God? Actually when one comes to a point of self-realization or one has come to the point of complete union with God, one doesn’t ask any question how is this and how is that. Because all the questions and all these things are in the mind. It’s the mind that asks questions. But you have to transcend the mind to understand devotion. Unless You have not transcended the mind, you will always ask this question, because the mind always wants to be fed with negativity and this is where the mind gets it’s power from. The more You feed the mind, the more the mind will have control. How to control You? How to play the game with You? And how to make You dance in his game? The more You dance in the game of the mind, the more will You be suffering in it. The more You will suffer and the more there will be also complain. But as long as You don’t surrender the mind, it’s difficult. And how to surrender the mind is only by chanting the name of God continuously. Loudly chant the name of God. Surrender to the lotus feet of Narayana and leave it to Him.
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