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This Blog is a collection of excerpts from talks given by Sri Swami Vishwananda. Please note that this Blog does not focus on dates, background and the exact original way of how Swamiji delivered the speech. We edit the talks slightly, presenting them in a kind of “poetic” format. This means we choose certain paragraphs from a talk which reflect a particular theme.
Read them as pieces of Divine Wisdom, meditate upon the words and just feel how Swamiji is addressing you with His words.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

How to master the mind

If you want to master your mind, chant the name of Narayana.

Like yesterday, during the Satsang I was explaining the power of the name of Narayana. How powerful is this Maha Mantra. If you want to attain Him, chant it. The more you chant it, the more you will draw Him closer to you.
When you call somebody, you will not just say “Come here”, but you will call the person by his or her name. Likewise the Divine also has many names and many forms. When you call Him, He will come in that form. Often people ask me “But listen, if I pray to Shiva, should I really change?”Actually no, you should not, but your love has to grow more and more. If you call Him as Shiva, He will come to you in that form. If you call Him as the Divine Mother, He will come as the Divine Mother to you.

But in reality, you will find Him deep inside your heart as the form of love, pure love, unconditional love and there you will have to find Him. This is something that the mind can’t understand, because the mind always expects something. The mind always has a limit, so you have to cross over this limit.

It happens so often in the life of people, that when the grace of God comes upon them, they don’t understand anything. They try to understand, but yet they can’t understand. I have met So many people who have told me “Oh You know I love God, but I don’t understand Him, I don’t know why I love Him so much.”
So you have to become that state, where even if you want understand Him, you can’t understand.
You see Him in front of you and want to grasp Him, but you can’t. Imagine what would happen?
It would drive you crazy, crazy for Him. That's the best, because deep longing makes it even sweeter.
Our soul is always longing for Him, always. There is not a time, where the soul does not long for the Beloved. Even if we are conscious, we are aware of it or we are not aware of it. But in our true self, in our consciousness, the soul-consciousness is always aware of that.
So, try to see. Like Christ always said “If you have eyes to see, you see”
Try to see with the eyes of the heart and try to hear deep inside of you.
Whatever is inside of your heart, there will be no doubt about it. But whatever comes from your mind, will create a lots of question. Even if the mind says the same thing, but there will be many, many questions and the mind will not feel free.
That’s why in meditation, you try to go in the calmness of yourself and try to listen deep inside of you. You try to attain this calmness and you try to attain this love that you have inside of you.

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