About this Blog

This Blog is a collection of excerpts from talks given by Sri Swami Vishwananda. Please note that this Blog does not focus on dates, background and the exact original way of how Swamiji delivered the speech. We edit the talks slightly, presenting them in a kind of “poetic” format. This means we choose certain paragraphs from a talk which reflect a particular theme.
Read them as pieces of Divine Wisdom, meditate upon the words and just feel how Swamiji is addressing you with His words.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

A story about selfless service

Sri Swami Vishwananda once told us an interesting story from the life of Sri Ramakrishna, which shows us how important it is to perform seva (selfless service) and to help others: Once there was a doctor. Of course he took his job very serious. And he was very satisfied. Whenever people came to him to get healed, he was very happy about it. But his happiness had only short duration. He was always wondering “Why I am happy, but yet it lasts very short." We all know about this happiness. So he went to Ramakrishna. He is a Saint in India, who lived last century. He said “Ramakrishnaji, tell me how You love? I feel this love, but it’s very short.” Ramakrishna said to him: ”My dear doctor, I know that you help people and you feel this love, but one thing: Your love is based on how much you get as payment.”So go and help people. It’s not that you should not take money- take, but once a week give free consultation. You will see that this love inside of you will grow more and more." And of course He practiced it. After a few months he came back to Sri Ramakrishna and fell down at the feet of Ramakrishna. He said “My Lord, I have done what you have told me and I’m the happiest person. Now I don’t even do only one time a week selfless service, but I do it two or three times a week.”

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