About this Blog

This Blog is a collection of excerpts from talks given by Sri Swami Vishwananda. Please note that this Blog does not focus on dates, background and the exact original way of how Swamiji delivered the speech. We edit the talks slightly, presenting them in a kind of “poetic” format. This means we choose certain paragraphs from a talk which reflect a particular theme.
Read them as pieces of Divine Wisdom, meditate upon the words and just feel how Swamiji is addressing you with His words.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Talk less and calm the mind

Sri Swami Vishwananda is talking about the importance of a calm mind:
Very often, men have an arrogant attitude. They think, they know better. They will always talk loud and know little. It’s said that the one, who talks less, knows…? Much. And the one that talks a lot knows less. And it’s true: When somebody doesn’t know much, they want to be heard. So, they raise their voice very loudly. But when you look at the master, you look at the spiritual guide, they talk when they have to talk. But they keep quiet most of the time. Like I explained in the morning: They analyze everything. They have a solution for everything. Because, only in quietness you will get solution. Solutions are here, but the mind is to busy to see it. When you have a problem, you look for a solution; you keep looking, looking, looking and get crazy about it. But at the end, when you say: “I am tired of it!” you see: “The solution was just here, but I didn’t see it" and you ask yourself why you didn’t see it. It's because the mind was busy. The mind was too much in action. So, when the mind is in deep action like that, one will always think that one knows better. Even when they don’t know much. Then, were is the quality of humbleness? Where is the quality of obedience? Where is the quality of surrender? Where is the quality of love? There is no! That’s why even some time you will hear that there is certain master which is really, really stict to the disciple.
Like i said: God will send you a Master and if you desire God, but have grater work to do, of course you need a Master who is sharp like an arrow to put you in your place.

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