• Sit straight. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply, continuously without any break in between.
• And, if possible, put your hands in the Hridaya Mudra, which is the mudra of the heart.
Do you know it? Take these two fingers [middle and ring] and join them to the thumb. Put the index at the base of the thumb, here.
Can you see? Turn the index and touch the base. The little finger stays straight. The ring finger and the middle finger go together.
It looks like a deer, then the index touches the base of the thumb.
This is called the Heart Mudra - the mudra that opens the heart and awakes the Love inside of you.
It’s one of the most powerful mudras.
Do you know other mudras? The Gyana Mudra is famous. It is for knowledge.
So, the Heart Mudra is very important and this mudra is also very good for people who have physical heart problems. It heals.
For people who feel pressure, it helps them to heal.
• So put your hand in the Hridaya Mudra and inhale and exhale.
• Close your eyes. Focus on your third eye and don’t listen to the music outside, but listen to the music inside, the sound of your inhaling and exhaling, the inner sound, the cosmic sound of OM.
• Now bring all your focus in your heart.
• Slowly open your eyes.
So this is one technique to calm the mind.
More meditations are described in Just Love
Watch this highly interesting Mudra Talk by Sri Swami Vishwananda: Mudra Talk
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