You have lived very happily, but, now, it is time for you to dedicate yourself and realise your Self.”
Then the disciple said “But Master, I have a beautiful wife who loves me so much and I also love her very much.”
The Master didn’t argue much with the disciple, he just told him, “Listen, I will give you a secret technique of yoga practice.
Practise it and you will see the result.”
A few weeks later, the man was practising his new yoga technique, where he was locked in a certain asana, so that his heart stopped beating.
Then the wife came and saw him in the middle of the living room.
She said “My dear husband, what has happened to you?”
She tried to wake him up, but she saw that he was cold, like as if he was dead.
She started yelling and crying very loudly, “Oh my husband, you have left me!” Hearing that, all the neighbours ran to the house to see what was happening and they saw that the man was dead.
They tried to comfort the lady saying “You know, this is God’s Will.”

Then, one of the neighbours came with an axe and started to break the doorframe, because the man was in such a yoga position that it was difficult to take him out of the door.
Seeing that, the wife stopped crying, went directly to the neighbour and said “What
are you doing? Why are you cutting my door?”
The neighboursaid “Well, you see in which position your husband is, so it will be
difficult to take him out of the house.”
Then the lady said “My goodness! Why are you breaking this door? Look, this ill fate has happened and he has left us early. Now I am a widow. I have nobody to sustain or help me, so, because he is already dead, you should chop off his hands
and feet instead of cutting the door.”
Hearing that, the man came back to himself and said “Wife, is that what you meant,
when you said that you loved me, that after I died you would cut me into pieces?” He realised that his Master was right and he left everything: it was time for him to go.
We always say this is ours or this is mine.

There are more inspiring stories to be found in this special book Just Love
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