Yesterday during the Darshan I was talking about the most valueless thing. I told a story, how a Guru asked his disciple to offer as Dakshina the most valueless thing that he can get. So as the disciple was going to pick some earth, some soil, he heard Mother Earth saying “How do you consider me worthless, because all these buildings, all what you see around comes from me, so I am not worthless.” The next thing that he saw was a stone. He said “Oh, a stone is nothing”, so he was going to pick this stone and he heard a voice saying “How could you consider me worthless? All the buildings, all the temples are build with me. All the deities are carved from me.” Then he thought for a while. He said “Yes of course, it is worthy.” So after thinking for a while, he realised what the Guru was asking as Dakshina was his ego, his pride. So he went to his Guru and offered the Guru the most valueless thing, which is the pride, the ego in man.
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